Mount and blade warband guide to marriage
Mount and blade warband guide to marriage

mount and blade warband guide to marriage mount and blade warband guide to marriage

That is 3 entirely new system that need to be developed to achieve that one goal. To properly have a romance system, you need extensive dialogue, sexualities assigned to every character, and an adoption system for anyone who can't produce bilogical children, so they aren't forced to eventually lose the game by being gay. You find a potential spouse, you pay their parents a lot of money, then you wait for the "x is having a baby" notification. There is no form of romance system in Bannerlord. Such things were done within the time period, so the game is potentially inaccurate for failing to include it or a similar mechanic.


We also explain marriage in Mount and Blade Warband and show you how to woo and marry a lady. Here we take a look at recruiting lords and granting vassalage to your companions.

mount and blade warband guide to marriage

If you wanted to keep it extremely accurate you could instead call homosexual bonds of a marriage-equal status “Enbrotherment”. Mount And Blade Warband Ymira Build Mount And Blade Followers Mount And Blade Warband Ymira This is the final part of our Mount & Blade: Warband guide. There’s no church armed to oppose you, so it must be an issue of titles/bloodlines, but that could be solved fairly easily by bribing the right people and adopting, or keeping a beard around for the sake of the rumor mill. In a game where any woman can rise from being a peasant to a landed noble in months, why would homosexual relationships even be an issue? It is, at best, a hurdle to overcome. Loving who you wanted was a matter of having the strength of arms and influence to preserve what you had. Should they have an army, theyll likely lead it, although youll be the one paying their upkeep. As long as they dont have an army, youll find them in one of your cities or castles. Your spouse and their party will automatically move into your clan. Anyone who knows anything about the history of sex knows that gender and sexual experience back even 500 years ago was very different than our modern prudish whitewashing would have you believe, especially in Viking cultures. Marriage in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord has a couple of benefits.

Mount and blade warband guide to marriage